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Green X Games

Please use the "Let's Chat!" box in the lower right and we'll get back to you at our earliest convenience

Please let us know if you get stuck, but first

 check the common mistakes below

Spaceship Landing on Earth

Common Mistakes

  • I can't use Megalith. It's not working​

    • Make sure the there's not a slash through the eye symbol. If you accidentally hit this when trying to click on Megalith, the brush won't work in the scene view. It'll feel like a bug, but it's not.

Common Mistakes
  • I can't place beneath a tree

    • Check the tree's collider

    • I've encountered other tree creating assets to assign a collider the full radius of the branches rather than just the trunk.

  • Texturing is creating black spots

    • This is caused by too much blending. Thinking of it like mixing lots of paint colors together, you get black. Use replace mode to fix the mess.

  • I don't have any brush

    • This has been a unity bug I encountered. Changing the layout to default fixed it for me. 

    • Make sure gizmos are on

  • Can not Launch Unity Due to "Failed to load window layout"

  • ​

  • Thanks to Hyp-X:

  • "1. Press [Load Default Layout]
    2. Unity copies the correct default layout to CurrentLayout-default.dwlt
    3. Unity complains that it still cannot load the layout
    4. Copy the now correct CurrentLayout-default.dwlt somewhere
    5. Press Quit
    6. Unity corrupts the file during quitting
    7. Copy back the correct CurrentLayout-default.dwlt
    8. Start Unity again"

If you get stuck with anything in Megalith, and figure it out on your own, let us know so we can share the solution with others.

    Megalith ©2019 by Green X Games

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